Year 5 2024 - 2025
Mrs Seth
Welcome to Year Five’s Class page!
We want your child to enjoy their time in Year Five and flourish both academically and emotionally, so please let us know if you have any worries or concerns.
We have an exciting, stimulating and engaging year at school for our class - keep an eye on the website to see what we’ve been up to!
In Year Five we encourage children to have independence and resilience in preparation for Year Six, and eventually high school, so it is important for children to be aware of when homework, spellings, P.E. kits are needed.
PE kits are needed on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure your child has a PE T-shirt, shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers. For safety reasons, earrings and other jewellery are not permitted in P.E.
Homework is usually handed out on a Wednesday, and must be handed in by the following Wednesday at the latest. If your child is struggling with any questions, they are welcome to bring the work into school at any time before the Wednesday, and we will help them with it.
Spellings are usually handed out on a Friday, and tested the following Friday. Children learn their spellings in preparation for the weekly test.
Weekly Times tables tests: Times tables are tested four times a week.
Assessment Cycle
Summative assessments will be carried out on a termly basis; children will be assessed in SPAG, Maths, Reading and Writing.
Mrs Seth