School Uniform

We believe in the importance of school uniform for a number of reasons:

It gives our pupils a sense of belonging

It sends a message to the local community about our standards

It standardises a code of acceptable dress

It helps parents when buying clothes for school – no more arguments with children over what to buy!

School uniform 

Please ensure all uniform, whether branded or generic, is named/ labelled and chek these regularly to ensure it comes back home!

Navy Blue or black trousers, dress, tunic or skirt (required)

A light blue polo neck shirt (required)

A navy blue cardigan or jumper (required)

Suitable black shoes, without a heel (required)

Blue checked dresses, skirts or shorts in Summer if appropriate (optional)

All accessories such as tights, bobbles or bows should also be in school colours.

Long hair must be tied up due to health and safety reasons for all children.

If you wish to order school uniform with the school logo on then please click the link below for more information:


Jewellery should not be worn in school. This includes chains and bracelets. If your child has pierced ears then studs may be worn. No other type of earring is acceptable due to health and safety reasons.

Second hand uniform

We regularly sort through any unamed lost property and at the end of half terms will display these outside our entrances. Please feel free to take these at the time or ask a member of staff if you are struggling to supply your child with the correct uniform.

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Get in touch

Let's Connect

All Saints C.E Primary SchoolChurchill Street,
Heaton Norris,

Mr A Longworth | Headteacher

Mrs N Fox | Deputy Headteacher

Ms T Cartmill | School Business Manager

Mrs V Butler | SENDCo 0161 510 8000

Who We Are

1 Corinthians 16:14,
“Let all that you do be done in love”.

Any general queries

please could you email the School Business Manager, Ms T Cartmill at

or call us on:

0161 510 8000